What is H4CBD? What are the effects of this brand new cannabinoid?

Hemp derivative H4CBD it is up to 100x stronger than "regular" CBD. However, unlike cannabidiol, it is a psychoactive substance whose effects are much more similar to HHC or THC. They can induce altered states of consciousness, which can manifest as feelings of perfect happiness.

H4CBD is a brand new cannabinoid in the domestic hemp product market. However, it was discovered several decades ago. When and how was this discovery made? What can we expect from him? How is it similar to cannabinoids? CBD, HHC, THC? We will answer all these questions and many more in today's H4CBD guide. So let's take a look at this cannabis derivative together.


What is H4CBD / H4-CBD

Much has been written about CBD, CBG, and other more well-known cannabinoids that occur naturally in the hemp plant. However, it was not long ago that the list of freely available cannabis products was supplemented by products containing hexahydrocannabinol, aka HHC, about which the public did not know much. However, all cannabis enthusiasts became more alert when they first came into contact with HHC, as it is probably the first legal cannabinoid that exhibits psychoactive effects similar to marijuana with THC.

We can include H4CBD in the same group of cannabis compounds, which most of you are most likely hearing about for the first time. She shorthand H4 CBD characterizes the cannabis derivative we call hexahydrocannabidiol. Since this is a complete novelty, most e-shops with hemp products do not have H4CBD in their offer at all. We do, however, and even in a limited edition with 99% H4-CBD, but more on that later.

H4CBD is the hydrogenated form of CBD. After all, it also comes from cannabidiol. However, it is a laboratory-synthesized element that cannot be found in the plant kingdom. It shares several attributes with CBD. A cannabis derivative called H4CBD, for example, saw the light of day in the same year as its originator. But the main difference between CBD and H4CBD is that cannabidiol only has a purely relaxing effect. This is not the case with H4CBD, whose effects are very often compared to HHC or THC. After all, this is why its effect on the human organism is up to 100 times stronger than non-narcotic cannabinoids such as CBD and CBG. So what specific effects does H4CBD have?


Effects of H4CBD

Unfortunately, there is very little information about the effects of H4CBD, but there are professional studies on this topic. So let's see together what it tells us about hexahydrocannabidiol.

Right at the beginning of this article, we inform you that H4CBD products can be up to 100x more effective in some respects compared to traditional products containing cannabidiol CBD. We did not invent this statement, but it comes from 2006 study, where, among other things, hydrogenated forms of CBD were found to have a surprisingly close affinity to the brain's CB1 receptors.

In comparing the affinity to the CB1 receptors of the cannabinoids H4CBD and THC, tetrahydrocannabinol, i.e. the latter cannabinoid, naturally wins. However, even H4CBD is not left behind in this regard, which is confirmed for example 2017 research.

For the time being, we can only speculate about the ancient cannabis derivative called H4-CBD to what extent it works on various types of mental and physical ailments. Many experts are of the opinion that H4CBD, like CBD, is an excellent pain reliever, reduces anxiety states, is an excellent helper for depression, improves sleep and falling asleep and has an anti-inflammatory effect. However, none of this is sufficiently supported by facts, so it can only be conjecture. Only time will tell to what extent these estimates are based on reality.

According to foreign sources, the effects of H4CBD are very similar to the effects of hemp products with a CBD:THC ratio of 2:1!

If we look at foreign Internet forums and review H4CBD, we find that many consumers describe the effects of H4CBD as identical when compared to hemp products containing 2:1 cannabinoids CBD and THC. This only confirms the supposed therapeutic effects, which can often induce states of euphoric intoxication.

So, if we were to briefly summarize the effects of hexahydrocannabidiol, we could say that H4CBD is a hemp cannabinoid that can probably be characterized as an extra strong CBD with a THC admixture.

Difference CBD vs H4CBD

It can be assumed that when the acronym H4-CBD is mentioned, most people will assume that it is a cannabinoid closely related to CBD. Therefore, you too can assume that their effects show only slight differences. However, that is not true.

However, if we go about it with a more sophisticated method, when we have at least a basic knowledge of cannabinoids and have occasionally paid attention in chemistry classes, we will understand that it is most likely a derivative of cannabis derived from cannabidiol, which is the truth. At the same time, knowledge from the field of cannabis allows us to understand that hydrogenated psychoactive cannabis derivatives have intoxicating effects.

Bingo! This characteristic describes H4-CBD absolutely clearly. At the same time, we also get an answer to the main question of how these cannabinoids differ. CBD is an all-natural compound found abundantly in hemp. H4CBD is a synthetically created substance, although its source is an organic cannabinoid. In addition, products with H4CBD can induce "high" states, which are manifested by feelings of happiness, euphoria and deep relaxation. Hexahydrocannabidiol H4CBD, like CBD, interacts with brain receptors. Its effect on endocannabinoid system ECS however, it is a hundred times higher because it can induce altered states of consciousness.


Which is better: CBD or H4CBD?

The answer to this question is not entirely simple. In essence, it's like comparing apples and pears. However, if we assume that the benefits for mental and physical health will be many times stronger in the case of H4-CBD, then the answer would be clear. After all, this is why H4CBD is often referred to as a CBD upgrade. Unfortunately, there is so little research and information on this issue that it is just pure speculation, which may prove to be irrelevant in the future. Time will tell. In addition, many people do not have psychoactive effects of cannabis too popular, so H4CBD is something they will definitely not fall in love with. Experienced hemp growers may feel the exact opposite.

In short, everyone knows what suits them best and therefore it is impossible to determine what is generally better. We therefore leave the evaluation purely to your discretion.

Limited Edition H4-CBD

We believe that every top e-shop with cannabis products must closely monitor the hottest news on the market and bring them to their customers with a certain amount of regularity. But in our case, launching a product on the market is not just like that. In order to ensure that we offer only the best products with H4CBD and other cannabinoids to our loyal fans, several months of testing and tuning down to the smallest details preceded the sale. From a storehouse of cannabinoids to a delicious aroma with selected Californian terpenes.

The result is the new summer edition of Miracle CBD vaporizer pens and cartridges, which is literally and figuratively pumped up with the brand new hexahydrocannabidiol. H4CBD pen and cartridge have 99% H4CBD, which is relatively the absolute tip of the iceberg called hexahydrocannabidiol products!

H4CBD pen

Many of you really liked the HHC pen with hexahydrocannabidiol. This is one of the best-selling products in our cannabis shop. In case of limited edition H4CBD pen we bet on certainty and that is why you will find these products in conjunction with your favorite flavors. All cannabis users can therefore become proud owners of the unconventional H4CBD vape foam with a wonderful lemon aroma, cactus, coconut, but also banana or pink bubblegum flavored. It is an ideal choice for beginners vaporizer pen 0.5 ml, while we can only recommend it to the most ardent enthusiasts H4CBD foam 2 ml, which can save interesting money.

H4CBD cartridge

We are also revealing a new offer to you H4CBD cartridge for a vape pen, where you can find not only the popular aromas mentioned above, but also a number of other super fresh refills! We don't want to get stuck in stereotypical ruts, that's why we took care of a really wide selection of H4CBD cartridges. In addition to traditional fruit flavors, which may not be preferred by all cannabis product enthusiasts, you will also find representatives of the world's most outstanding genetics in the limited edition!

A total of 9 variants of H4CBD cartridges with a volume of 1 ml: Let's introduce them briefly.

Admittedly, we were partly inspired by our CBD & HHC flowers, where you fell in love with the Silver Haze and OG Crush. In addition, another famous and phenomenal world-class genetics is added, which is JACK HERER! We will not allow ourselves to note two other brand new types of H4CBD cartridges, which they are Italian ice cream and exceptionally exotic Pina Colada. We believe there really is a lot to choose from.

Whichever option you choose, you will certainly not make a mistake, because all cartridges are synonymous with the best refills on the market!

Sales of H4CBD

We are already at the very end of our article for today. If you are interested in the cannabinoid called hexahydrocannabidiol, do not hesitate to visit the H4CBD sales page, where we will soon add H4CBD flowers in addition to the popular H4CBD pen and cartridge! So you definitely have something to look forward to, because the cannabis that we will present to you in the next 14 days is the best that is available in Europe. And that with all modesty, because when you see new genetics HHC, CBD and H4CBD, you will prove us right lbetter and stronger cannabis flowers can only be imagined with a significant amount of exuberant imagination. So please do us a favor and we will reward you with a generous supply of cannabinoids. Thank you!

Do not hesitate to contact us

If anything is not clear to you and/or you want advice on the selection, please write to us below in the comments below the post, or you can contact us by e-mail info@miralecbd.cz. Thank you!






WARNING: Hemp products a kratom are exclusively intended for collecting, industrial and technical purposes. Alternatively for further sale and processing. In no case are they intended for consumption, inhalation or smoking! The described effects are purely informative. Company Miracle CBD does not approve or otherwise support the abuse and sale of psychotropic and narcotic substances!

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