HHC liquid – the latest trend in HHC sales

The Czech Republic is experiencing a second wave of cannabis euphoria. Cannabidiol CBD is now replacing another hemp cannabinoid HHC. Its effects are comparable to THC. However, this substance is completely legal under the law. Inquiries to fruit HHC liquids that's why they literally flood internet search engines.

Inhalation of water vapor, which we call vaporization, is much less harmful than traditional smoking in the case of high-quality cartridges. If we add hexahydrocannabinol HHC to this, we get a product that shines in the limelight. We are talking about HHC liquid, to which this article is dedicated, and it brings a revolutionary alternative in the use of cannabinoids from hemp.


HHC liquid

Commonly available refills for electronic cigarettes, or liquids in English, which you can find on the counters of newsagents and tobacco shops contain nicotine. Just like regular cigarettes. HHC liquid differs in that it does not contain any nicotine. In addition to vegetable glycerin, the primary element in its composition is the cannabinoid HHC. you ask what is HHC? Under this abbreviation hides the cannabinoid from hemp, whose full name is called hexahydrocannabinol.

This relatively new product from the category of HHC products could be described as a revolution in the use of electronic cigarettes and hemp cannabinoids as such. It brings comparable effects to the application of tetrahydrocannabinol, in short THC. However, this element found in marijuana is illegal and you face severe criminal charges for its possession. However, HHC is completely legal, as HHC products from our shop contain almost no THC. The legal limit in the Czech Republic is now 1% of the weight of the product or hemp dry matter. If you want to experience true intoxication, HHC liquid is the right choice. Consumers describe this type of product effects of HHC as deeply relaxing, relaxing and liberating from everyday worries.


A revolution is coming – HHC liquid is here!

The old-fashioned packaging of joints is slowly but surely fading into oblivion. This happens for several fundamental reasons. If you want to pack a quill, you must have the appropriate equipment. In addition to HHC flowers, you also need paper, a shredder or scissors and filters. Of course you can wrap a joint even without a filter, but this is not a very popular method of smoking cannabis. Moreover, such flowers, if they are of really good quality, produce a strong odor just like marijuana. In addition to the fact that you will smell the smell of cannabis everywhere, you expose yourself to the prejudices of those around you, who will probably see you as a drug addict or, as people say, a "freak".

HHC liquid with a fruit flavor is ready for immediate use. Just pour some of the Hexahydrocannabinol filling from the bottle into the electronic cigarette and that's it. The odor produced by this method of HHC vaporization is minimal, and whoever you don't tell them about will have no idea what your magic cartridge is in your electronic device. Believe it or not, our high percentage HHC liquids are a real treat. In our HHC shop you can find refills with up to 50% HHC content! And that's a real ride...

The sale of HHC liquids is starting to enjoy huge popularity. In a little while, it will be available again literally on every corner, but we recommend it to you refills with a high HHC content buy only from verified manufacturers and distributors. Yes, it is true that inhaling water vapor with hemp cannabinoids is undoubtedly healthier than smoking joints. However, for it to be XNUMX% true, you need to buy a liquid whose composition is declared by the manufacturer and properly tested.


What is HHC

What does weird mean abbreviation HHC we have already described to you in the previous chapter. For a quick recap, this is one of the more than 100 cannabinoids in cannabis that scientific teams or individuals have so far identified. Basically, it belongs to the same category of cannabis compounds as cannabidiol CBD, cannabigerol CBG, cannabinol CBN and others. However, it is closest to tetrahydrocannabinol THC, which is illegal in our country. Both elements are very similar in terms of molecular composition and effects. Both cannabinoids HHC and THC they are psychoactive and can induce altered states of consciousness.

Hexahydrocannabinol occurs in nature in hemp and marijuana plants only in a very small amount, which usually does not exceed the 1% limit. Therefore, in order to obtain HHC extract and be able to produce HHC products with a high content of this cannabinoid, we must subject one of its related elements to the hydrogenation process.


History of HHC

One of the most important researchers in the field of cannabis research is undoubtedly Roger Adams, a chemist dealing with organic compounds. It was he who succeeded in identifying and isolating pure CBD extract in the landmark year of 1940. Four years later, Adams succeeded in obtaining a pure HHC extract through a hydrogenation process. In this case, it was the conversion of THC to HHC due to a change in the formula at the molecular level. The same process is still used in other industries today. For example, the food industry uses this mechanism to convert vegetable fats into margarine.

In the United States of America, the same process still produces HHC today. Unfortunately, this is not possible here, as the legislation does not allow us to handle THC, which is on the list of narcotic and psychotropic substances. Fortunately, there is CBD cannabidiol to work with. Therefore, we obtain HHC extract in this way, when CBD is converted into HHC.

Once we have pure HHC extract in our hands, it is not a problem to make HHC liquid and other products that our shop offers.

Vaping and the effects of HHC liquid

Much has been written about smoking in the past. Warning pictures on cigarette packs are meant to show us how harmful tobacco smoking is. If we were to look at the smoking of classic cigarettes through the eyes of statistics, we would find that smoking causes the death of approximately 6 million people in the world every year. Converted to the Czech Republic - this is 15 people per year. Tobacco can significantly contribute to the development and worsening of serious diseases, after all, it is also responsible for 1/3 of all oncological diseases. For up to half of the users, it can end fatally, i.e. death. However, we are not here to moralize and frighten you with these numbers, even though they are threatening.

Let's look at the matter from the bright side. I'm not entirely sure if the diseases caused by vaping are mapped in this detail. However, research comparing smoking tobacco and vaping speaks for itself. Thanks to the transition to inhaling water vapor, your defenses can be strengthened, your blood pressure can decrease, and last but not least, you will most certainly breathe better. Your lungs will prove me right that I didn't make this up. In addition to the overall improvement of your health, you will also definitely appreciate the restoration of the sensitivity of taste and smell.


HHC vape

Focused on HHC liquid – at vaping hexahydrocannabinol alias HHC your body absorbs much less harmful substances than with classic smoking. Burning cigarettes produces tar, which is made up of tiny particles. It settles in the lungs and causes breathing problems. In addition, cigarette smoke contains an incredible 4000 chemical substances and poisons.

Did you know that… you are about twice as likely to quit smoking when using a vaporizer as compared to regular nicotine replacement products? (Gums, plasters..)

However, if you decide to vape HHC liquid in an electronic cigarette, it is a completely different story. If we look at the composition of such an HHC filling, we will find that not one of the substances contained in it is a carcinogen. Although vaping and e-liquids have been hotly debated for a long time about their harmfulness, the results are crystal clear. Another benefit of vaping HHC is the fact that it does not leave toxic deposits in the lungs and arteries. Hexahydrocannabinol also has other beneficial effects, which we will talk about in the next paragraph.


HHC liquid - effects

Yes, the effects of hexahydrocannabinol are really comparable to THC, which is abundantly found in marijuana plants and affects the human body in a number of specific ways. I didn't make that statement up either. It is short and well supported by the experiences of many users. Both in the country and abroad. HHC liquid products have been on the American cannabis market for a long time and therefore bring us very interesting and useful information.

Effects of HHC could best be characterized as strongly soothing, relaxing and relaxing. At higher doses of HHC, you can experience altered states of consciousness, which are often very adventurous experiences. Like similar cannabinoids, it has a number of beneficial therapeutic effects on the body and mind.

The most awarded are usually the following:

  • HHC works great for sleep and problems falling asleep. Although the research is only at the beginning, preliminary information already shows us that HHC products (liquid HHC included) are very likely to improve ailments related to this issue.
  • A deep feeling of relaxation, peace and relaxation. This is associated with a reduction in the level of stress and cortisol, which does not leave us at rest and prevents us from falling asleep quickly and peacefully. It results in restless sleep and waking during the night. According to current indications, hexahydrocannabinol could effectively solve all of this.
  • For more or less intense pain, there could once again be a solution in the form of HHC products. The analgesic properties of cannabis cannabinoids are a well-known fact. Considering that u CBD i CBG is confirmed to be able to relieve pain, it is only a matter of time before the same is confirmed for this "old" cannabis compound.
  • The anti-inflammatory effects of cannabinoids, which have also been confirmed by many studies, are well known to anyone interested in this issue. Again, this is the dominant of many cannabis elements such as CBD, CBG, CBN, THC and more.


HHC Effects - Summary

All confirmed, cannabinoids from hemp have a very complex effect on human health and can solve problems with mental and physical health. Nature is here for all of us and offers us a helping hand. Whether we decide to accept help is up to us. We could list many other beneficial effects, but as we told you at the beginning, there are not too many studies yet. Therefore, we must be careful with claims. After all, it is always best if you try HHC liquid on yourself and take a picture. However, we firmly believe that as the flood of research and information progresses, the above claims (and many others) will be confirmed to us in black and white and we will be able to confirm them with certainty.

In the case of HHC liquid a HHC pen the effect occurs within a few minutes after stretching. Usually 5 minutes is given. The same applies to cannabis flowers. The HHC in gummies (HHC candies) works more slowly, which must first be absorbed into the circulatory system through the small intestine. Here we can calculate with a time of around 20-30 minutes. Although the effect comes more slowly, the advantage of edibles is that they can work much longer, since it takes time for the body to fully break down HHC.


NOTICE: Please remember that for inexperienced users, even a small dose of HHC liquid can be very intense and the effect can last for several hours. If you want to try vaping HHC liquid, it is better to start with a lower dose and observe the effects.

Under no circumstances should you drive a motor vehicle after consuming any HHC product! Although hexahydrocannabinol should not be detectable by drug tests used by PCR. Remember the safety of yourself and others. Thank you 🙂

HHC products on the market

Sales of HHC is starting to graduate in the Czech Republic. Every day, the range of HHC products expands and more and more new products are added. Sometimes it can be difficult to find your way around this plethora of HHC shops and products. If you are interested in hexahydrocannabinol and would like to buy it, but do not know what to choose, we will tell you where to look.

In addition to HHC liquids, there are 3 other most sought-after product categories:

  • HHC pen – disposable HHC vape (vaporizer) with fruit flavor
  • HHC flowers – cannabis flowers with a high HHC content, on our e-shop you can find HHC flowers 25%
  • HHC candies aka HHC gummies – sweet gelatin bears with added HHC

HHC sale

We firmly believe that we have brought you enough necessary information in today's article about the product HHC liquid. Whether you decide to give these refills for electronic cigarettes a chance is now up to you. You also have a free hand in choosing the HHC shop. Of course, we will not lie to you that we are the only ones who distribute products of this type. But the truth is that finding a store with premium HHC products may not be that easy. If you want to bet on proven quality, don't hesitate to take a look at our offer.

If anything is not clear to you and/or you want advice on the selection, do not hesitate to contact us via the contact form or by e-mail info@miralecbd.cz. Thank you!

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