CBD oil vs. Keppra: How do they work for epilepsy?

A cannabinoid-based prescription drug called Epidiolex can cut epileptic seizures in half! Unfortunately, we do not have this form of treatment in the Czech Republic, but it is undeniable that the effects CBD can actually reduce the frequency of seizures under optimal conditions!

In common practice today, the drug Keppra is used for diagnosed epilepsy. A synonym for this name is Levetiracetam. These are medical remedies that have been used for years, but in addition to their positive effects, they also have their negatives. That's why many people are trying to find different alternatives, which include, for example, cannabidiol aka CBD. In the next installment, “CBD Vs. …” we will discuss these two substances and try to answer fundamental questions regarding their use.

Can we replace the prescription drug Keppra with CBD? Can the effects of Levetiracem be compared to the effects of cannabidiol? You will learn not only this, but also many other useful information in today's article. Here we go!

What is Keppra?

Levetiracetam is a prescription drug used to treat seizures. Keppra is an anticonvulsant that is designed to reduce the frequency of seizures. The exact mechanism of action of this drug is still unknown, but we do know that this drug stabilizes the electrical activity in the brain that, when imbalanced, causes seizures.

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol ranks among the cannabinoids, i.e. substances that are contained in the cannabis plant. There are nearly 150 naturally occurring in this magical plant! In recent years, CBD has been widely used to help with sleep problems, anxiety, depression, stress or pain. However, current research suggests that cannabidiol may even have a beneficial effect on some types of epilepsy.

Can CBD oil help us treat epilepsy and seizures?

Now let's look at the main topic of this post. Can taking CBD help control seizures? There are many studies that demonstrate the positive effect of cannabidiol in helping to treat seizures and epilepsy. One CBD medication is even an approved prescription drug in the US to treat a specific type of seizure. It is still not an approved drug in our parts, but the effects of cannabidiol are undeniable!

Their only approved cannabinoid-based drug has been tested in the US for Lennox-Gastautov syndrome, a severe form of epilepsy that occurs primarily in children and even causes permanent brain damage in some cases. In the case of this study, after administration of a drug called Epidiolex reduced the incidence of seizures in test subjects by a respectable 50%!

Other studies on this topic had generally the same results, which were very positive. In the US, it is a prescription drug that undergoes numerous controls and testing to guarantee a completely pure formulation. Unfortunately, we don't have anything like that in the Czech Republic yet. In addition, we are limited by unverified sellers who often do not provide true information about their composition and therefore we cannot feel the right effects. That is why we recommend buying exclusively from verified sellers

Anecdotal evidence for the effects of CBD oil on epilepsy

In addition to the already mentioned research, the effects of cannabidiol on epilepsy are often mentioned by its users themselves. Many people using CBD oil have even managed to switch from Keppra and other prescription drugs to the all-natural form that is CBD products. Thanks to this, they managed to reduce the incidence of epileptic seizures. Some users even say that thanks to regular use CBD oils together with the right lifestyle, enough exercise and quality rest, they completely got rid of those unpleasant conditions.

However, it must be emphasized here that these are scientifically unfounded claims. Although the effects of CBD on many types of epilepsy have been proven, it has not yet been possible to confirm that epilepsy can be completely cured thanks to CBD cannabis. On the other hand, it is also important to mention that most prescription seizure medications are only short-term effective and have many drawbacks that make them not the most ideal choice for long-term use.

Effects of CBD in our body

Cannabidiol interacts with the ECS (endocannabinoid system) in our body. ECS is a system that regulates homeostasis, i.e. the state of equilibrium of our body, the preservation of which is a condition for the very existence of our life.

According to the latest research, CBD does not only interact with the primary receptors CB1 and CB2, which are the main elements of the ECS. It is said that it can even interact with the secondary receptors of this system (TRPV1 and GPR55), thanks to which it can have a direct effect on the frequency of seizures. Last but not least, CBD supports the proper functioning of the organism by preventing the breakdown of endocannabinoids and replenishing the body with so-called external cannabinoids. All of these functions help the ECS to keep our body in balance. A healthy balance contributes, among other things, to the suppression of seizure activity.

Possible side effects of CBD

If you follow the recommended dosage of CBD oil or other legal cannabis products, the occurrence of negative side effects is essentially excluded. After all, this is also confirmed by the World Health Organization (WHO), which agrees with this statement. The following side effects may occur if we take several times the recommended dose:

  • Dry mouth
  • Drowsiness 
  • Decreased appetite
  • Fatigue
  • Intestinal problems

Comparison of CBD drops vs Keppra

In the following section, we will discuss several aspects in which these two substances can be compared.

Reliability: If we look at the clinical studies, we have to say that Keppra leads the way in this regard, as there have been extensive studies that have proven the effectiveness of this drug in reducing seizures. In addition, this medication has been approved for the treatment of epilepsy for decades.

The effects of CBD on a specific type of seizures are also proven by scientific studies, but as we have already mentioned, they were carried out with a drug produced under professional supervision in a laboratory directly for the problem in question with absolutely certain quality and purity, which unfortunately just any domestic seller cannot offer. In addition, the approved drug contains not only CBD, but also other therapeutic substances. Certified CBD drops however, from a trusted source, they still give all epileptics a fair bit of hope for improvement!

Side effects: If we were to compare Keppra and CBD with regard to the risk of occurrence and severity of side effects, then CBD, which is purely natural and very gentle on the organism, would win outright. The occurrence of side effects is limited to the amount of the dose, which we simply cannot exceed.

What negative side effects can Keppra have? There are over 30 potential side effects of Keppra! These include, for example, anxiety, depression, headache, joint pain and many other discomforts. At this point, we can infer for ourselves why many patients try to switch to an alternative form of treatment with the help of CBD oil or another hemp product.

Availability: As for cannabidiol, it is an over-the-counter substance in our country. The content of CBD in products is not limited in any way, only the psychoactive component THC is legally addressed. Keppra is a prescription drug without which it cannot be purchased legally.

Using CBD oil

To harmonize natural processes in the body, we recommend using it above all CBD oil, which we can dose very precisely thanks to the practical dropper. In addition, when applied under the tongue, the effects appear very quickly. More detailed you can find out information about the use of CBD drops in this article. On our CBD & HHC shop, you can choose from more than 20 types of broad-spectrum hemp oils. Is it natural or flavored CBD drops?

Can CBD oil be taken with Keppra at the same time?

Yes, but also no. We should not take them at the same time, as CBD can affect the metabolism of Keppra, which can increase its concentration in our body. In such a situation, the side effects of this substance may worsen, specifically drowsiness, dizziness or confusion. However, if we were to look at the use of both substances, assuming that there is a gap of several hours between their administration, we would find that it can be a more effective help than in the case of using only one or the other substance. In any case, however, a consultation with the attending physician is definitely in order.


The effects of CBD in reducing the occurrence of certain types of epileptic seizures are scientifically confirmed in the case of an official medicine distributed in the USA. According to reviewers, broad-spectrum CBD oil should have very similar effects, but unfortunately this information is not yet official and verified. But we dare to say that by trying hemp drops you definitely won't do anything wrong, as they can also be helpful for many other problems that our civilization is dealing with. Whether it's accumulated stress, poor quality sleep, anxiety, depression and much more...

Do you need help?

If anything is not clear to you and/or you want advice on the selection, please write to us below in the comments below the post, via contact form or send us a question by e-mail info@miralecbd.cz. Thank you

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Source: https://www.naturalwayscbd.com/blog/cbd-vs-keppra/

NOTICE: Hemp products and kratom are exclusively intended for collecting, industrial and technical purposes. Alternatively for further sale and processing. In no case are they intended for consumption, inhalation or smoking! The described effects are purely informative. Company Miracle CBD does not approve or otherwise support the abuse and sale of psychotropic and narcotic substances!

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