Cannabidiol (CBD) is available on the market in various forms. But do you know how to use it correctly and what is the optimal dosage for CBD oil?

Nowadays, there is a wide range available over the counter CBD products. If you would like to try one of them, or if you have already purchased it, but you do not know how to start using it properly, we will try to advise you in today's article.

Buy only from verified merchants

One good piece of advice to get you started – only shop at verified merchants, which you can trust so that you can be XNUMX% sure that you are really enjoying what you bought in good faith. Market regulation is almost zero, thanks to which a purchase for a fraction of the price from a no name e-shop can become Russian roulette.

CBD oil – dosage is influenced by a number of factors.

CBD oil – the main factors determining the optimal dosage

  • your health status
  • your gender
  • your height
  • yours weight
  • concentration of CBD in a given product
  • your body's physiology
  • životni styl

A small dose to start with

You've surely heard the saying that "less is sometimes more". This can also be true in the case of CBD oil dabs. In order not to create a tolerance to this substance in the body unnecessarily and not to flood our organism with cannabinoids excessively, we recommend starting with a smaller dose and waiting to see how the body reacts. It's not because you could overdose on cannabidiol. That is not even possible. But mainly because of the high therapeutic potential of this active substance, which can effectively help already in small doses. If you do not feel improvement in the long term, we recommend increasing the amount.

State of health

The mood we are currently in plays a significant role in the effectiveness of CBD products. We should definitely take this into account when choosing them. If we are troubled by intense psychological problems, severe pain or sleep only a few hours a day, then it is the right choice a product with a higher concentration of CBD. If we just want to relax pleasantly in the evenings, take a break from everyday worries and regenerate, then a product with a lower concentration will suffice, the dose of which can be gradually increased.

The correct dosage of CBD oil has a beneficial effect on mental hygiene.


Provisional research shows that the effects of CBD, CBG and other cannabinoids can also be affected to some extent by gender. This is due to the more frequent occurrence of hormonal imbalances in the fairer sex, on the optimization of which the cannabinoid CBD can have a very positive effect. Now we are talking about mood swings, nervousness and tension. This usually does not bother men too much, but in their case, cannabidiol can positively affect physiology, for example energy balance.

However, there is not much research on this topic, so the mentioned facts may not always apply. In general, however, we can say that women tend to be more sensitive to the intake of cannabinoids.

Height and body weight

The greater sensitivity of women is mainly due to their significantly lower weight. A simple equation applies here – the higher your weight, the higher the dose of CBD you need to apply in order to feel the proper effects of CBD oil. Cannabidiol needs to reach the entire body in order to start working fully.

For every 10 kg of weight, it is advisable to take about 3 mg of CBD.

If you weigh, for example, 60 kg, the calculation is as follows:

6 x 3 = 18mg of CBD/day. In our case CBD oil 12% such income will be based on three drops a day, because each drop contains 6 mg of CBD.

Speed ​​of effect

As for CBD oil, the effect appears in about 10 to 30 minutes after its application. Subsequently, it can work in the body for an incredible 8 hours! With a full stomach, the active substance is absorbed more slowly, so it is best to take the product a long time before a meal, or on an empty stomach. However, it is not necessary.

You can expect an even faster onset of effect with water-diluted CBD drops, which are much better absorbed by the body and dissolve easily in your favorite drink. However, it is still true that the greatest effect is ensured by dripping under the tongue and then holding for one minute. After a minute, you can safely swallow the CBD oil. (Or drink it if you don't like the taste of CBD drops)

When dealing with long-term health problems, the time of day of using CBD oil does not play a role.

CBD oil - uses

  • Pro better sleep and to fall asleep faster, take CBD oil about 30 minutes before going to bed.
  • Pro suppression of anxiety and depression it is best to take CBD drops in the morning and evening, at any time of the day if needed. They work great for reducing anxiety attacks and panic attacks.
  • As far as we are concerned increase in concentration, then it is advisable to apply CBD shortly before mental performance.
  • Pro better regeneration is ideal CBD drops use immediately after physical exercise.
  • If you are dealing with long-term health problems, then the time of day of use does not play a role.

Long-term application of the cannabinoid CBD can lead to the creation of a reverse tolerance! In practice, this means that a smaller amount of oil may paradoxically be enough to achieve the desired results after several months of intensive use!

CBD oil dosage in numbers

15-35 mg of CBD per day seems to be the ideal starting dose. If you feel that the product is not effective enough, then we recommend increasing the dose by 5-10 mg every week until you start to feel that CBD is working on your troubles. As written above, this cannabinoid cannot be overdosed, but the maximum recommended daily amount is 160 mg of CBD. We also always recommend that you consult your doctor before use.

Each person is unique and the effects of CBD are also influenced by their physiology, therefore there is no universal recipe for dosage. We therefore recommend that each user start with small doses, observe the effect of cannabidiol on his organism and, if necessary, gradually increase the amount until he finds his optimal dose, which will effectively help him in his daily life.

CBD content in individual products:
CBD oil 7% – 700 mg of CBD – one drop contains 3,5 mg of CBD
CBD oil 12% – 1200 mg of CBD – one drop contains 6 mg of CBD
CBD oil 24% – 2400 mg of CBD – one drop contains 12 mg of CBD

CBD drops 5% (water dilutable) – 500 mg CBD – one drop contains 2,5 mg CBD

The volume of the 10 ml bottle is approximately 250 drops.

If you decide on a daily dose of 3 drops, then a bottle of our broad-spectrum CBD oils enough for almost three months.

Even after this discovery, does CBD oil seem expensive to you?

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