CBD for Weight Loss: Truth or Myth?

The cannabinoid CBD affects a number of body processes that affect the slim line! For example, it can convert white fat into brown and support the body in the use of glucose. Last but not least, it can also reduce the risk of metabolic disorders.

Summer is uncompromisingly approaching, and with it comes the desire of many to lose a few kilos. It is high time to do something about it. A balanced diet, enough exercise and sleep. But it can also help us achieve our dream figure CBD oil? Although a direct link between weight loss and CBD use has not yet been scientifically proven, it is known that CBD drops from hemp they affect many body processes and can therefore serve as an ideal weight loss aid. Let's talk more about it.


What is CBD

If you haven't heard of CBD yet, let's start with a bit of theory. CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of over a hundred cannabinoids found in the hemp plant. It was discovered in 1940 by the American chemist Roger Adams. Unlike THC, it is a non-psychoactive compound and thus has no hallucinogenic effects. Products like CBD oil and other hemp products are completely legal in our country because they contain less than 1% THC.

As interest in this compound continues to grow, so do the number of studies and experts who are beginning to take a deeper interest in CBD drops. CBD oil hemp oil can be of great benefit to people suffering from depression, epilepsy, asthma, insomnia, or for example chronic pain. CBD has calming effects, regulates the level of stress, anxiety and thus affects the overall mental mood and psychological well-being. It will serve perfectly CBD for sleep a regeneration.

The same applies to CBG oil a CBN oil, which also contain other medicinal cannabinoids. However, today we will focus on cannabidiol aka CBD.


How CBD oil works for weight loss

According to the latest research, everything indicates that CBD drops from hemp play an important role in many bodily processes, although it is important to say that the direct effect of CBD on the weight loss process has not yet been proven. However, CBD studies published so far have shown many useful properties, including those that can undoubtedly support weight loss. Here are the most significant effects of CBD oil that can help reduce your body weight.

Helps regulate appetite

Many of you may associate cannabis with appetite stimulation, but it is quite the opposite. An increased appetite is caused by the cannabinoid THC, which is found, for example, in marijuana. When THC is consumed, the endocannabinoid system and the CB1 receptor in the brain are stimulated, which then sends a signal and a feeling of hunger appears. Unlike THC, CBD blocks the CB1 receptor, which reduces appetite and can also prevent binge eating. Together with a healthy diet, CBD oil can be excellent for healthy weight loss, as it brings your appetite under control.

It helps turn white fat into brown

Have you heard that we have two types of fat in our body? Specifically, it is white and brown fat. The function of brown fat is to produce body heat. The highest occurrence of brown fat is especially in newborn mammals and hibernating animals. In adulthood, there is only a small amount of brown body fat. According to the latest research, brown fat has an effect on the production of heat and the burning of excess energy. Which is a key feature for obesity prevention.

A 2016 study demonstrates the effect of CBD oil on the conversion of white fat to brown, which contributes to a more efficient breakdown of lipids and the gradual breakdown of white fat. So this process can lead to weight loss.


It can reduce the risk of developing metabolic disorders

A 2018 study on metabolic disorders linked to CBD examined obesity as a potential trigger for hypertension, high cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes. One of the causes of these disorders can be excessive stimulation of CB1 receptors in our body. It is the excessive activity of this receptor that can lead to a number of metabolic symptoms.

The ability of CBD drops to indirectly block CB1 receptors can lead to a reduction in the risk of obesity.

Study Cannabis and Cannabinoids conducted several studies that investigated the potential of CBD to regulate metabolic disorders, especially in rodents. Rats given CBD showed a 25% reduction in cholesterol at the end of the study. Furthermore, there was a decrease in blood sugar and an improvement in liver tests.

Other benefits of CBD oil for weight loss

List of those listed above potential effects However, CBD for weight loss is not yet complete. Here we add a list of other possible effects that can positively affect the burning of excess fat.

It supports the body's ability to use glucose

Regular use of CBD oil can support healthy metabolic processes. The ideal processing of glucose in the body works as follows - immediately after eating a meal, the blood sugar level rises. The pancreas releases the hormone insulin, which transports glucose to the body's cells, where they convert it into energy. If we regularly allow the body excess glucose, this condition can result in metabolic disorders, such as hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia. A 2018 study showed a possible effect of cannabinoids on glucose absorption in a similar way to metformin, a commonly prescribed diabetes drug.

Anti-inflammatory effect

Metabolic disorders often involve chronic inflammation, especially in the pancreas. A pancreas affected by chronic inflammation secretes excessive amounts of insulin, leading to inflammation of the entire gland and damage to the beta cells that produce insulin. If the body is unable to produce enough insulin, it can significantly increase the risk of diabetes and obesity.

CBD oil can improve immune system cell communication, thereby reducing the risk of inflammation. A 2019 study looked at the link between inflammation and overstimulation of the endocannabinoid system. The connection has been proven, and it has also been found to be regular using CBD drops can positively affect this dysfunction due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

It can help stimulate regenerative processes in the liver

Diabetes and obesity are often accompanied by a number of unpleasant side effects, including liver cell damage. The liver plays a key role in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Regular consumption of large amounts of sugar can cause steatosis, or fatty liver, just like alcohol.

A survey in 2015 states that non-psychoactive cannabinoids, such as CBG they can reduce the number of triglycerides in the liver and slow their accumulation. They have also helped improve insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes and lower blood pressure. The researchers attributed this effect to the possible anti-inflammatory effect of CBD.


A healthy lifestyle is alpha omega

To reduce weight in a healthy way, it is necessary to follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle, which include, for example:

  • Enough quality sleep
  • Balanced diet
  • Regular movement
  • Minimum amount of alcohol
  • Enough time for yourself

CBD for weight loss - a few words in conclusion

CBD oil is certainly not a miracle fat burner, but it can help regulate metabolic processes in the body. If you follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle, hemp drops can serve as a welcome nutritional supplement and help you achieve your dream figure. If you have decided to include cannabidiol in your daily regimen, visit our CBD & HHC shop, where you are guaranteed to make your choice.

Selling CBD and HHC brings a wide range of preparations from cannabis drops, through fluffy flowers a vape pen, to cosmetics, hemp foods, of tea and many other top products. The optimal amount of applied CBD can differ for everyone, so we recommend starting with smaller doses and eventually increasing the dose gradually. Good luck!

If anything is not clear to you and/or you want advice on the selection, do not hesitate to contact us via the contact form or by e-mail info@miralecbd.cz. Thank you!

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