CBD and melatonin: How do these substances work for sleep?

Both the hemp cannabinoid CBD and melatonin products have experienced a huge boom in terms of regular users in recent years. More and more people are trying to solve their sleep problems with the help of these two substances, which seem to be the most effective of all freely available remedies. Which of these dietary supplements is more effective and what can you expect from it?

First of all, let's say that for both dietary supplements, we can prove that they demonstrably help with problems with sleep and falling asleep. However, paradoxically, each of those substances works differently. So let's take a look at CBD and melatonin together!


Users of food supplements that contain melatonin use them mainly for problems that arise precisely from the lack of the hormone of the same name in our body. Disorders of the sleep-wake phase or jet lag (fatigue and sleep disturbance caused by disruption of biorhythms after a rapid air crossing of several time zones) are probably the most relevant examples. In contrast, CBD products are mainly used by people who have long-term problems with falling asleep and poor quality sleep.

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At the outset, however, it is necessary to say that it is impossible to determine exactly whether CBD or melatonin is a better or less suitable choice for you. For each person, it is necessary to approach their given problems individually and solve them in a comprehensive way.


What is CBD?

The three letters CBD stand for an element called cannabidiol, which occurs freely in the cannabis plant. According to research so far, we can say that this substance has beneficial effects on many problems - pain, anxiety and especially the sleep mentioned today. Products containing CBD are fully legal and freely available. You can choose from an abundance of products such as drops and oils, capsules, CBD candies and edibles, all the way to dried CBD hemp itself. On our cannabis blog we analyze this topic really comprehensively. For example, you can read here about its effects on ADHD, OCDdiabetes Crohn's disease, cancer, schizophrenia and many other serious diseases.


What is melatonin?

As we mentioned in the introduction, it is a hormone that is naturally produced by our body. Its main function is the regulation of sleep cycles and wakefulness. There are many stimuli that can reduce the level of this hormone, which is why it is now commonly supplemented. However, due to concerns about addictive pharmaceutical products, many people are trying to find an alternative treatment, which can be, for example, the CBD just mentioned, but also CBG, CBN and other naturally occurring cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. 

CBD sleep drops

As we already know, CBD has a beneficial effect on our psyche, which is very closely linked to quality sleep. In addition, many studies show that cannabidiol can solve secondary problems associated with the disruption of the sleep cycle, such as anxiety, depression or chronic stress. 

For example, let's take a study where 72 adults used CBD oil for one month. Roughly two-thirds of participants showed better sleep score results (researchers measure sleep quality according to individual factors, resulting in a sleep score). 55 participants also stated that they felt a reduction in anxiety states, which significantly disrupt the sleep process.

Therefore, nowadays we can meet people who use various CBD hemp products instead of prescription drugs (benzodiazepines, antidepressants, sleeping pills and others).

Effects of melatonin on sleep

In case of proper functioning, this hormone is flushed out of our pineal gland (cerebral appendage). It does so in response to darkness, and its level directly affects the circadian rhythm, or "body clock". After its release, feelings of drowsiness appear. However, melatonin production can decrease for various reasons. These causes include age, various diseases, light, etc. In the event of a deficiency (insufficiency) of this hormone, its supplementation with the drug of the same name (dietary supplement) is appropriate.

As we mentioned in the introduction, melatonin is most often used for jet lag, a delayed sleep-wake phase disorder. With its help, it is also possible to treat sleep disorders in children who have problems with their own melatonin production. However, CBD can also be used by children.

Based on this comparison, we can say that melatonin is ideal to use in the specific cases we named today. The use of melatonin is therefore quite specific. In contrast, CBD oil can be very versatile for treating a wide range of health issues!

As far as the use of melatonin is concerned, no studies have yet been published that point to possible side effects with short-term use. In the case of long-term use, however, some undesirable side effects may occur. Furthermore, there are studies that point out that regular use of melatonin does not have a very significant long-term effect.


Effects of CBD on our body

Anyone who regularly reads our blog knows that CBD in our body interacts with cell receptors of the endocannabinoid system (ECS). This system ensures the regulation of the balanced state of the vital functions of our body, which we call homeostasis. Other functions of the ECS include, among others, the circadian rhythm or, for example, the defense reaction to inflammation in our body. 

The functions of the ECS, when functioning properly, ensure our survival, however, various external influences, such as stress, can reduce the efficiency of this system. In this dry period, we can observe greater problems with the ECS in ensuring homeostasis, the disruption of which can cause mental or physical discomfort, which then leads to sleep problems. Research in this is worth one thing - supplementing internal endocannabinoids with external cannabinoids (such as CBD) can help the ECS to function properly. This regulates the sleep cycle and helps other processes, which have the task of helping us with quality sleep and regeneration.

According to the information so far, we can therefore say that the use of CBD drops for sleep does not affect other body systems in any way, but has a beneficial effect precisely in connection with the mentioned ECS.

How does melatonin work?

Those who carefully read the previous paragraphs remember that melatonin is a body hormone that is produced by the pineal gland as soon as it gets dark. Its main function is therefore the synchronization of the sleep cycle and wakefulness. If we are exposed to light, its production decreases. This happens, for example, at sunrise, when our body begins to wake up and prepare for the next day. This bodily process explains why we have trouble falling asleep with the lights on.

The production of melatonin is further affected by the blue light produced by phone or computer displays. For that reason, we should not take our phones to bed. Let's leave it on the table in another part of the room, or at least turn on the blue light filter. Other "disruptors" of melatonin production include, for example, caffeine or alcohol. With a long-term lack of melatonin, sleep disorders are most likely to occur. In this situation, it is therefore appropriate to replace the hormone with dietary supplements.

CBD vs Melatonin: Side Effects Comparison

The following side effects in the vast majority of cases occur only in the case of incorrect dosage, which ranges from ten to one hundred times the recommended daily dose. However, we always recommend starting with a lower dose, which you can increase at any time. Of course, you can also read about the right one on our cannabis blog CBD oil dosage.

Potential side effects of CBD

  • dry mouth
  • diarrhea
  • drowsiness
  • fatigue
  • decreased appetite

As you probably already know, CBD can interact with some prescription drugs, so we recommend that you consult your doctor before starting to use it.

Side effects of melatonin

  • nausea
  • headache
  • dizziness
  • daytime sleepiness

All these effects are classified as short-term side effects. Regarding melatonin, we must repeat again that its supplementation can only help in case of its deficiency. For sleep problems from other causes, its results will not be very encouraging.

Even melatonin can interact with various prescription drugs (benzodiazepines, blood thinners...), so again we recommend consulting your doctor about its use.

A combination of CBD and melatonin

Is it possible to combine these two substances? Yes. The only problem arises when these substances are overused, when their side effects can intensify each other. Therefore, we again recommend starting at lower doses. Apart from this problem, to date there have been no reported problems with taking CBD and melatonin at the same time, as they do not interact with each other. When you think about it, taking these two substances at the same time can solve a wide range of problems associated with a good night's rest. Some studies even suggest that CBD can partially stimulate melatonin and thus help us with quality sleep. However, these results are not yet official.

Which fabric to choose?

If you have read this far in today's article, it must be clear to you when to use which substance. In case of problems with the body's hormone production, we supplement melatonin. Its effects on these problems are scientifically proven. However, if pain, stress or anxiety are causing the difficulty in falling asleep and getting a restful night, it will be ideal to use CBD oil, which targets the cause of the problem directly.

Do you need help?

If anything is not clear to you and/or you want advice on the selection, please write to us below in the comments below the post, via contact form or send us a question by e-mail info@miralecbd.cz. Thank you

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Source: https://www.naturalwayscbd.com/blog/cbd-vs-melatonin-for-sleep/

NOTICE: Cannabis and kratom products are exclusively for collector, industrial and technical purposes. Alternatively for further sale and processing. In no case are they intended for consumption, inhalation or smoking! The described effects are purely informative. Company Miracle CBD does not approve or otherwise support the abuse and sale of psychotropic and narcotic substances!

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