HHC pen and flowers review: What are real users saying?

Products with a psychoactive cannabis derivative called hexahydrocannabinol literally flooded not only the Czech cannabis market. Opinions on HHC products varies. Some experts warn that it is a dangerous substance, others see this cannabinoid as a possible alternative to opiates and other pharmaceuticals. What do the users themselves say about the effects of HHC?

Hexahydrocannabinol, abbreviated as HHC, is gaining more and more popularity. Basically, you could say that it is a legal alternative to the very popular tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is very popular with the general public, despite still being listed as an illegal substance. The effects of HHC are very similar to those of THC.


Discovery of HHC

Many readers may think that this is a brand new discovery. However, this is not true, because hexahydrocannabinol was discovered already in 1944. The American scientist Roger Adams, who dedicated his life to organic chemistry, championed this important achievement. In addition, he also managed to discover and isolate the phenomenal CBD. Unlike CBD, hexahydrocannabinol is a synthetic cannabinoid that is converted from either THC through hydrogenation, but it can also be obtained from cannabidiol, which is the most common method of production.

Unlike THC, HHC products have the advantage that you always know exactly how much of the active substance is contained in the product. That is, at least if you buy from verified sellers who regularly test their hemp products. On the black market, it is impossible to obtain exact information about the composition, therefore there is a risk of overdose and very unpleasant conditions, which in the case of hard drugs can even be life-threatening. Besides, you can get yourself into trouble with the law, which no sane person cares about.

In today's article, we will leave information from professional circles aside and focus on HHC reviews from users themselves. We select the most interesting things that you can read in internet forums.

For information on HHC cannabis flowers, vape pen and HHC gummies, please feel free to continue reading further.

HHC cannabis flowers

Let's first talk about what HHC flowers actually are. It is about dried CBD hemp, which is enriched by spray or other form with HHC distillate with a high content of hexahydrocannabinol. On the market, you can meet HHC flowers with an abnormally high content, which, it must be said, may not be based on reality, because the cannabis market is not yet regulated and controlled in any way, which should change at the beginning of 2024.

It is very important what kind of CBD flowers are in the beginning, because unfair practice dictates to traders to use completely low-quality varieties, which they then pass off as the best that is available on the market. And that's just because they claim to contain higher tens of percents of HHC. However, it is not only hexahydrocannabinol that matters, but also other cannabinoids found in cannabis. In our case, it is more than 20% CBD, which will enhance the resulting effect. Equally important is the high-quality distillate the manufacturer uses. Does it not contain heavy metals, solvent residues, etc. Many HHC dealers they don't worry too much about this, because they are only interested in the amount of profit. We take the best and make sure that our HHC products are perfect in every way.

But now let's get to the reviews themselves, which we promised you. What are consumers across the internet saying about HHC flowers?


HHC Cannabis Review

On Reddit, the subject of HHC is being discussed by many users and those interested in this type of cannabis. Some seek cannabis products for sleep problems, others for depression or anxiety. Then there is another group of people who have problems with alcohol or other types of addiction and would like to use the potential of hexahydrocannabinol for this purpose, as hemp cannabinoids are declared to be a great way to fight addiction to addictive substances.

One of the consumers appears in the forum under the nickname Oxcore, who, according to him, was helped by HHC flowers in a fundamental way to overcome his psychological dependence on tetrahydrocannabinol. We present his statement here:

“HHC flowers have not only helped me reduce my psychological dependence on THC, but they help me with my lows in a way that I'm not completely wiped out like with THC. It's synthetic, but HHC is extracted from the flower anyway. Simply, the extracted HHC (which is in a certain amount in both THC and CBD flowers) is made into a distillate, which is then applied to CBD sticks. Fine for me personally.'

Oxcore, Reddit.com

A member of the Reddit community who calls himself Fantastic-Upstair 86 agrees with this opinion. He rates it as the most effective form of hexahydrocannabinol HHC flowers and HHC oil:

"I've been using HHC for 5 months and I have to say that it's a great thing, I always smoke until the evening or drip the oil, it helps me sleep and complete muscle regeneration, I recommend always buying but only from verified sellers."

Fantastic - Upstair 86, Reddit.com

However, HHC cannabis is far from the only thing HHC sale in the 21st century offers. In addition to dried flowers, you can buy, for example, HHC pen, which we will focus on in the following paragraph.


HHC pen and cartridge review

Vaporizer pen with hexahydrocannabinol aka HHC pen has become a very popular product worldwide. Many users rank among its greatest advantages the very way of use, but also the fact that it does not produce any odor. It is therefore a very discreet way of inhaling HHC, which can be used in a cafe or at a bus stop.

A contributor calling himself Bengoris had the following to say on the Reddit forum:

"Personally, I have experience with both and classic THC - for me personally, HHC is great, I bought a pen and am buying cartridges. The main advantage over classic THC is the ease of use – I have the pen on the table next to my bed, I always hit it a few times before bed and then I sleep like a baby. It's cheaper for me than classic marijuana, I don't have to negotiate with unreliable people, and overall I like it more now."

Bengoris, Reddit.com

Another user under the nickname Calligrapher-Whole adds the following information about the purchased vape pen with HHC, which, according to the obvious reactions, quite a few forum visitors identify with:

"The HHC pen gives quite a lot. Just a few covers and I'm ready to lie down and do nothing. I mainly have it when I want to make a meal and put on a movie once in a while and blend in with the couch.”

Calligrapher-Whole, Reddit.com

About, how HHC affects the organism, a certain EklaS97 confided, among other things, that he describes the effects of hexahydrocannabinol as follows:

"HHC surprised me. Such a state when I thought I was chubby and actually I wasn't. Strange. It's like taking a load of kratom and it's 10x stronger. And it didn't even bother me that much."

EklaS97, Reddit.com

At the end of the HHC pen and cartridge reviews, we add this comment from the author, who introduces himself as Bohuss:

"I have had the HHC pen for about two weeks, the contents of the cartridge are only HHC and terpenes. I get more euphoria from THC, otherwise almost the same effect. I can only recommend it to anyone looking for legal slimming."

Bohuss, Reddit.com


HHC candies aka gummies

Edibles are products that contain hexahydrocannabinol. These snacks are most often produced in the form of jelly, which is why you may also come across the label HHC jelly. Candies with HHC are sold in an almost infinite number of flavors, from very traditional ones such as strawberry, through less traditional types of mandarin orange and other exotic fruits, to quite non-traditional ones (on the Czech market), which are examples HHC cola flavored bears.

The onset of effect with the candy is much slower. With HHC pens, the desired effect occurs almost immediately, while in the case of edibles, the active substance must first pass through the digestive system. However, the effects in this case may last much longer. How people feel about HHC edibles is indicated by a comment from an individual named Heliogabalus, who cannot tolerate HHC flowers and edibles:

"The best thing about the whole HHC is that edibles have finally reached Central Europe as well. I personally tried it HHC flowers  (which is CBD flower sprayed with HHC extract and the high is so nicely balanced by the combination of cannabidol), edibles, oil and vapes. From my experience, flowers and edibles are the best."

Heliogabalus, Reddit.com

From the above findings, it is clear that many people like HHC products mainly because they help them with mental and physical relaxation. After taking HHC, they feel better and make them forget the daily worries associated with bad moods. You always decide for yourself whether HHC is suitable for you. Hexahydrocannabinol can be a great way to combat chronic depression, but also a variety of physical ailments such as pain. The analgesic effect of cannabis is indisputable.

If you have problems with anxiety, you should definitely look into CBD, because HHC in larger amounts can actually worsen anxiety, which can even result in a panic attack. Soon we will bring you an article on the topic of cannabis bad trip.

Do you need help?

If anything is not clear to you and/or you want advice on the selection, please write to us below in the comments below the post, via contact form or send us a question by e-mail info@miralecbd.cz. Thank you.

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Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/czech/comments/zhjjgw/vas_nazor_na_hhc/?rdt=47417

DISCLAIMER: Cannabis and kratom products are for collector, industrial and technical use only. Alternatively for further sale and processing. In no case are they intended for consumption, inhalation or smoking! The described effects are purely informative. Company Miracle CBD does not approve or otherwise support the abuse and sale of psychotropic and narcotic substances!

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