You are going on vacation and would like to pack your favorite with you HHC pen? But you don't know if it's actually possible and, above all, legal? Don't worry, we'll tell you what to watch out for and what to avoid so that your well-deserved vacation doesn't end right away at the airport, or worse, in a pre-trial detention cell.
Each of us sometimes needs to clear our head of excess thoughts. Often negative emotions, problems at work, problems at home buy into us, despite the fact that we try our best to make everything work as it should. Everyone has their own tried and tested techniques that help them in similar situations. Some people like to go for a walk in nature, while others take a few puffs of z vaporizer. And some can only deeply relax beyond the borders of their home state. Today we will therefore focus on a combination of these aspects.
In the following paragraphs, you will learn more about traveling with HHC foam or liquid to European countries.

What is HHC
Repetition is the mother of wisdom, so let's briefly recall what the substance HHC actually is. The full name of this cannabinoid (an element of the hemp plant) is hexahydrocannabinol. The origin of this substance is based on delta-9 THC, to which the phenomenal chemist Roger Adams added a few molecules of hydrogen. It is therefore a semi-synthetic cannabinoid and a hydrogen form of THC or CBD.
A substance called HHC was discovered by an American scientist dealing with organic chemistry as early as 1944, but it gained enormous popularity only last year, mainly due to its high efficiency, which can sometimes surpass even effects its originator, i.e. tetrahydrocannabinol aka THC. Compared to it, it is even more stable and has a significantly longer durability.

Potential effects of HHC
- reducing depression
- reducing stress levels
- anti-inflammatory action
- improving the quality of sleep
- pain relief
- improvement of skin condition
However, every pro has its cons, so let's take a quick look at the possible negatives of this cannabinoid. However, since this substance has only recently been introduced to the market, we do not have any scientific studies with direct effects of long-term use.
However, we are aware of these potential negatives from user experience:
Possible side effects of HHC
- impaired motor skills
- red eyes
- dry mouth
- increased drowsiness (especially at higher dosages)
- interactions with other drugs (always consult the attending physician)
- in excessive doses, on the contrary, it can cause anxiety, sleep disorders or paranoia!

HHC and legislation in European countries
Regarding this issue, it is first necessary to mention that each country has its own regulations and ordinances. Individual cannabinoids, such as HHC or CBD or kratom, are assessed very individually. In some countries there are severe disciplinary penalties for their possession, while in other areas they are even prescribed by a doctor's prescription. Let's look at the important part, that is, where they are HHC products illegal:
- Albania
- Belgium
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Bulgaria
- Denmark
- Estonia
- Finland
- France
- to Iceland
- Italy
- Lithuania
- Latvia
- Hungary
- Germany
- Netherlands
- Norway - Cannabinoids can only be purchased at a pharmacy
- Poland
- Austria
- Slovakia
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- United Kingdom

Most of these countries included HHC on the list of illegal psychoactive substances precisely because of the absence of results of long-term use on the human organism. So, as you can see, we are very lucky that our ruling elite has a very benevolent attitude towards cannabinoids, similar to Holland. There is even talk of possible THC legalization coming in the coming years!
Taking HHC pen or any other hemp product with hexahydrocannabinol to the aforementioned countries is definitely not a good idea. On the other hand, in other tourist-attractive destinations, such as Croatia, Spain, Portugal or Greece, you should not be threatened with any repression by state institutions for possessing HHC vape pen. However, be careful that the THC limit in the product does not exceed the maximum allowed limit, which again can vary greatly. Mostly it is a range from 0.2% to 1% THC content.
They therefore represent the highest risk when traveling HHC flowers, so far the HHC pen does not contain any THC. That is, at least in the case of buying from good cannabis sellers who guarantee the quality and composition of the product. The last and no less important aspect for smooth travel is that the holder of the HHC product is of legal age.
How to get the HHC pen on the plane?
So we analyzed how it is with different states here in Europe. However, please don't forget how to handle foam or HHC cartridges at the airport, specifically during airport control. We have to follow TSA (Transportation Security Administration) rules. All vape pens and similar devices must be transported in hand luggage (ie not in checked baggage or carried directly on the person). This is primarily due to lithium-ion batteries, which can catch fire or even explode if stored improperly. Among other things, there is a higher risk of damage or breakdown in the cargo area.
U HHC liquids we have to follow the familiar rules again. The liquid must not be more than 100 ml and must be stored in a resealable bag with a volume of less than one liter. The same instructions apply as for example for perfumes or liquid soaps.
During the security check itself, we will remove HHC pen or any liquids from hand luggage and we will store them together with the mobile phone in the box on the belt. We therefore work with them as with other electronic devices or the aforementioned perfumes. The regulations of specific airlines are a very fundamental prerequisite for the successful transportation of HHC products. We therefore recommend that you check all important information additionally with the airline with which you are going on your dream vacation. Happy journey!
Do you need help?
If anything is not clear to you and/or you want advice on the selection, please write to us below in the comments below the post, via contact form or send us a question by e-mail Thank you

NOTICE: Cannabis and kratom products are exclusively for collector, industrial and technical purposes. Alternatively for further sale and processing. In no case are they intended for consumption, inhalation or smoking! The described effects are purely informative. Company Miracle CBD does not approve or otherwise support the abuse and sale of psychotropic and narcotic substances!