HHC and sports performance: How can it affect them?

Time keeps moving forward. Turbulent development is not only felt by technology, but also by the cannabis market. Thanks to the "new" cannabinoids, other possibilities open up to get the most out of sports training. The goal of both professional and amateur athletes is to perform as well as possible, to regenerate faster and to be in a good mental state, which is essentially essential for achieving success. A cannabis derivative called HHC could therefore be a good helper in many ways.

Recently, a substance called hexahydrocannabinol (HHC) has been mentioned a lot in the media and among the general public. However, this substance, or rather its isolated form, saw the light of day already in 1944. In the same year, the successful chemist Roger Adams modified the chemical formula with the help of hydrogen molecules delta-9 THC. In doing so, he obtained HHC using a process we now call hydrogenation.


However, it is not a purely synthetic cannabinoid, as it is also found in the organic form of the hemp plant. In this case, unfortunately, it is a very small amount, which is why it is obtained in a concentrated form under expert supervision in laboratories. Since the structure of HHC is very similar to that of THC, their resulting effects are not very different. They share, for example, psychoactive effects, unlike, for example, CBD or CBG, which are also found in cannabis. 

But let's discuss what benefits HHC can have for athletes!


HHC and sports

Now let's move straight to our main topic. So what about athletes? Whether recreational or even professional athletes? Can they use HHC benefits for their sports performance? The potential benefits for all athletes are outlined in the following lines.

Pain relief: Many athletes struggle with pain and/or various injuries, which unfortunately do not escape almost anyone. Thanks to its strong analgesic effects, HHC can help with pain relief, i.e. primarily improve comfort during training, which can also be reflected in the performed performances.


Mental setting: Mental well-being is very important (not only) in sports disciplines. Our performance is significantly affected by the state of our psyche. In this regard, HHC should share the same ability as THC to reduce stress and depression fluctuations, which result in mental health problems and, above all, concentration, which is a very important aspect for quality training.

Better and faster regeneration: If we don't feel comfortable in our own skin, our body can't get enough rest, because it is constantly exhausted by excessive thinking and negative thoughts that run through our heads throughout the day and worsen in the evening. Therefore, the organism cannot concentrate enough on proper functioning - poor mental condition literally ruins it. With the help of HHC, it should be possible to achieve deep relaxation, which will have a positive effect on our sleep and the quality of our rest.

Maybe negative

The positive qualities mentioned above are very essential and can help us quite significantly according to the experience of athletes. However, the use of HHC is not without risk, so we will also analyze the possible negatives associated with the use of HHC in sports.

Safety: With hemp products containing HHC, it is very important to pay close attention to the source from which we purchase. Therefore, we definitely do not recommend purchasing goods from unverified sellers, as such products may contain solvent residues, heavy metals and other impurities, with which there is also an increased risk of unwanted side effects.


Doping testing: Athletes, especially professional ones, have to be really careful about which substances they transport into the body. Anti-doping tests can vary greatly according to individual sports associations. In some places, they are basically not done at all, in others they are almost a daily occurrence. If the consumption of cannabis is prohibited at your organization, then we definitely do not recommend the use of HHC, as it could appear on an anti-doping test. Because it metabolizes in a very similar way to THC! In such a case, it is better to rely on CBD hemp, which is not detectable by normal tests.


HHC and the results of professional studies

Hexahydrocannabinol aka HHC has gained immense popularity across the world in a very short time. This derivative of cannabis has basically been forgotten and certainly cannot be said to have been mainstream in recent years. It's the exact opposite, basically no one knew about HHC apart from enthusiastic cannabis users and experts, so there wasn't much interest in researching its possible effects on human health during long-term use. Unfortunately, no in-depth analyzes on this topic exist to date.

Therefore, we do not even have the basis to be able to say with certainty that the use of HHC will bring only and only positives to the athlete in the long term. However, we can rely on the experiences of users, including professional athletes, who regularly use HHC or other cannabinoids from cannabis and cannot praise their effects. Furthermore, we can start from the similarity to THC, about which we have a lot of knowledge and has been researched for a long time. Its numerous beneficial effects are confirmed, provided, however, that the correct amount is used.


HHC-P and other cannabinoids

However, HHC is certainly not the only hemp cannabinoid that has appeared on the market in recent years or months. In addition to it, H4CBD also looks very interesting, which could be described as an upgraded form of CBD, but also for example HHC-P, which should be compared to hexahydrocannabinol (HHC) even many times stronger!

Therefore, anti-doping organizations also have a difficult job, as they have to closely monitor the turbulent development of the cannabis market, as new and new substances that could disrupt "fair" play are constantly appearing. However, HHC can be a great helper for post-workout regeneration, but not for encouragement during the performance itself, which significantly differentiates it from anabolic steroids or other prohibited substances that have a direct effect on performance.

Do you need help?

If anything is not clear to you and/or you want advice on the selection, please write to us below in the comments below the post, via contact form or send us a question by e-mail info@miralecbd.cz. Thank you


Source: https://www.wikihhc.com/en/guide/performance-and-sports-recovery-the-5-best-benefits-of-hhc-for-sport/

NOTICE: Hemp products and kratom are exclusively intended for collecting, industrial and technical purposes. Alternatively for further sale and processing. In no case are they intended for consumption, inhalation or smoking! The described effects are purely informative. Company Miracle CBD does not approve or otherwise support the abuse and sale of psychotropic and narcotic substances!

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