CBD and smoking addiction: Does CBD suppress nicotine cravings?
Many users of tobacco products try to quit smoking, but the road is very thorny. A high percentage of people return to smoking after a period of time. Although nicotine patches and sprays rid us of the smell and many harmful substances contained in smoke, these methods are not very effective and do not go directly to the core of the problem, i.e. nicotine addiction itself. So is there anything that can help us quit smoking once and for all? Maybe it will just be CBD!
Scientists from Washington State University (WSU) in a recent study examined the effects of cannabidiol, or CBD, on nicotine in the body's circulation. The result of this study was that even small doses of CBD were able to reduce nicotine cravings! They are very interested in information that is not talked about much anywhere.
If you want to know more about the study and its output, feel free to continue reading this article!
CBD against nicotine addiction
A study published this year aimed to find out the direct the effect of CBD on addiction on nicotine. Therefore, an expert team of researchers gathered at Washington State University to shed light on this issue. In the course of experiments, scientists found that even a small dose of CBD was able to inhibit the main enzyme (CYP2A6), which has a great influence on the processing of nicotine. Nicotine as such does not harm our body that much. Cigarette smoking is a much bigger problem, as tobacco smoke contains carcinogens and many other toxic substances, which can have huge negative effects on our health when inhaled for a long time and regularly.
Due to the effect of CBD on enzymes, increased levels of nicotine in the plasma have been demonstrated, which resulted in a reduction in the number of cigarettes smoked. Based on these results, we can say that a significant reduction in daily cigarette consumption can be achieved thanks to CBD.
The problem of tobacco products
As for the overall interest in smoking tobacco products, in recent years we can observe a really noticeable decline. One of the surveys in the USA even revealed that the majority of all respondents had smoked marijuana, not tobacco, in the last week.
The market for tobacco products has a downward trend not only in the USA, but also in many other countries that are trying to reduce the percentage of smokers in society. For example, the current Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Rishi Sunak, plans to raise the age for buying cigarettes by one year every year. The goal of this initial plan is to completely eradicate smoking. However, the proposal is already facing a great wave of criticism. According to the majority of residents and many experts, the black market for tobacco products will only increase many times over.
History of tobacco use
The first mentions of tobacco products date back to around 6500 BC Tobacco was used in various religious ceremonies and rituals. It only came to Europe thanks to Christopher Columbus at the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries. In the past, smoking tobacco was used as a cure for toothache or migraine. Later, however, tobacco began to be banned, for example in Russia they could cut off your nose or cut off your upper lip to prevent you from smoking.
At the end of the 19th century, there was a huge smoking boom. However, thanks to more sophisticated options, after a few decades, the side effects of long-term use of tobacco products also began to appear on a large scale. The first scientific article on the effects of smoking on human health was published in 1950, which explained the link between smoking and lung cancer. A few years after the publication of this article, warnings about the dangerous effects of this bad habit began to appear on cigarette packs for the first time.

Risks associated with smoking tobacco
As for tobacco smoke, you've probably already heard that it contains over 60 substances with carcinogenic effects. These substances are either found directly in the tobacco or are created during its burning. These are both organic and inorganic particles. What can these harmful substances cause?
These are mostly lung tumors, but in a considerable number of cases, they can also appear in the kidneys, intestines, bladder, cervix, oral cavity and rectum.
Cardiovascular system problems
Tobacco smoking has been shown to affect atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). Its occurrence in our body can cause a heart attack or stroke.
The effect of smoking on the skin
The skin can also be one of the areas that smoking damages. Smokers may show signs of aging much earlier, thanks to reduced skin elasticity. The skin loses its ability to hydrate, more wrinkles form, the skin is gray and sagging.
Other health complications
- potency and fertility disorder in men
- problems with menstruation and fertility in women
- impaired wound healing
- earlier development of cataracts and deafness in later stages of life
Withdrawal symptoms
They manifest themselves after a few hours after quitting nicotine. The worst period is usually the first three weeks. In total, withdrawal symptoms can last between three weeks and three months. What are the specific symptoms?
- bad mood to depression
- inability to concentrate
- insomnia
- anxiety
- irritability
- decrease ability to handle stressful situations
- increased appetite
Those who know a little know, of course, that we can minimize most of these problems with the help of CBD! Cannabidiol can therefore be a good helper in the fight against withdrawal symptoms. In addition, it can also help us gradually reduce the number of cigarettes smoked and, ideally, gradually achieve complete abstinence. So if you want to quit smoking, don't hesitate to visit ours CBD and HHC shop, where you will certainly choose a suitable product tailored to your needs.
Do you need help?
If anything is not clear to you and/or you want advice on the selection, please write to us below in the comments below the post, via contact form or send us a question by e-mail info@miralecbd.cz. Thank you
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NOTICE: Cannabis and kratom products are exclusively for collector, industrial and technical purposes. Alternatively for further sale and processing. In no case are they intended for consumption, inhalation or smoking! The described effects are purely informative. Company Miracle CBD does not approve or otherwise support the abuse and sale of psychotropic and narcotic substances!