CBD and OCD: Effects on obsessive-compulsive disorder

A psychiatric illness called OCD, which is manifested by compulsive and unconquerable thoughts, but also irrational behavior, affects 2 to 3% of people worldwide. Several studies have been conducted on the topic of CBD and OCD, which confirm the beneficial effects of CBD cannabis on obsessive compulsive disorder and the frequency of its manifestations.

As the name suggests – obsessive compulsive disorder is characterized by obsessions and compulsions. People are often afraid to seek help because they perceive their problems as strange and are ashamed of them. However, if he entrusts himself to the care of an expert (psychotherapist or psychiatrist), he will definitely not make a mistake. It is there that he should find true understanding.

An alternative way to deal with OCD is to rely on the power of a natural miracle called CBD. For example, the combination of CBD oil and regular sessions with a psychotherapist seems to be very effective. But first, let's see how OCD manifests itself.


Manifestations of obsessive behavior

  • constant checking - for example, of the door, whether it is really locked, when a person is late for work because of it
  • excessive sense of order – eg constantly rearranging the wardrobe because one
  • thorough handling of every detail, such as a bent corner of a folded garment
  • compulsive washing – most often by hand, often so long and thoroughly until they are shredded
  • pathological collecting – e.g. collecting newspapers or magazines to such an extent that the quality of living suffers fundamentally


As stated at the beginning, obsessions are, in a general sense, recurring intrusive thoughts, but they can also be various ideas, images, doubts, beliefs or fears. They cause great distress to the disabled person and often frighten them, especially if they are of a violent or anti-social nature.

These can be, for example, ideas that the affected person will hurt someone, that they will be infected with some disease, but also thoughts with sexual overtones, reflections on religious issues or so-called rumination (a lengthy and unproductive sequence of thoughts on a topic). Disabled people are usually aware of the origin of their thoughts ("I can only blame myself") and are concerned about them. They know that their thoughts (and the way they behave) are exaggerated or meaningless, they perceive them as a burden, but they cannot get rid of them.

People suffering from OCD often see their compulsions as preventing something that could harm themselves or someone else. During therapy, it may sometimes become clear that the cause of their compulsive behavior is a real event or a real threat. However, this may not be the case in all cases.


How does OCD develop?

Both neurobiological factors and past experiences probably contribute to the development of this mental disorder. Hypothesized causes include, for example, an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain, genetic factors, or changes in overall brain function. Obsessive compulsive disorder is not hereditary, however, the risk of developing it may be increased if it has been diagnosed in relatives.


CBD hemp and products made from it they have beneficial effects on reducing body tension, overall relaxation and calming volatile thoughts. It can reduce stress and anxiety symptoms that are often associated with OCD. In cooperation with the ECS, which is in charge of body and hormonal balance, it can stimulate the production of happiness hormones and thereby banish most negative emotions and thoughts. Broad-spectrum drops can therefore be a highly valued helper for minimizing the manifestations of OCD during the day, but also especially in the evening hours, when worries literally keep us awake.

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Depending on the frequency of occurrence of obsessive compulsive disorder and its intensity, we choose a suitable CBD oil. For sporadic occurrence of OCD, they will probably be enough for us CBD oils ranging from 7% to 10%. For moderately "severe" obsessive-compulsive disorder, which manifests itself, e.g., only when leaving the apartment or before going to bed, we choose 12% drops. If the OCD is so urgent that it prevents us from concentrating on any other activity during the day, we have to resort to strong cannabis drops, i.e. 24% to 30%.

However, it's important to keep in mind that the interactions between CBD and medications you may be taking to treat OCD or other conditions can be complex. In addition, each individual reacts differently to CBD. In general, we can be guided by the fact that it is appropriate to start with a small dose and gradually increase the dose if necessary. Observe the effects of how the selected dose affects you. If you have OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) and are considering using CBD oil as part of your treatment plan, you should always consult your doctor or psychiatrist first.

CBD for OCD or What do the studies say?

Academic journal Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research In 2019 published a study that contains evidence that the endocannabinoid system could represent a new avenue in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder. OCD affects those parts of the brain that are linked to anxiety, stress reactivity, conditioned fear and habitual behavior. According to research, the endocannabinoid system can modulate these behavioral patterns and emotional responses. The basic building block of this system are receptors, which are abundantly found in areas of the brain and are said to be behind the emergence of OCD. We are talking about the frontal cortex, basal ganglia, hippocampus and amygdala. Research suggests that adequate receptor activation with CBD may provide relief from certain symptoms of OCD.


Another of the studies is an analysis of two patients conducted in 2008, which noted "significant improvement in symptoms" when given medical cannabis or dronabinol (THC extracted from cannabis). As another example, here is an analysis of 49 studies from 2015, which concluded that CBD reduces anxiety not only in OCD, but also in several other diseases. These included generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and social phobia.

"Cannabis typically increases alpha activity ... in the case of OCD, which is associated with insufficient alpha activity, cannabis should have a positive effect."

Mitchell Sadar, clinical psychologist

The effects of cannabis on OCD in practice

A very remarkable case happened in 2010 in California, when a mother, Judy, whose twelve-year-old son named Ryan was struggling with a very severe course of OCD, which was caused by an autoimmune neuropsychiatric disease, appeared on ABC News television. It even went so far that Ryan asked his mother to take his life because the obsessive thoughts were so strong that they literally devastated his life. And this despite the fact that many experts tried to help him with the help of opiates.

Judy didn't know where to go anymore, so she decided to get cannabis for her son despite his young age. And look! The positive effect was not long in coming. There was an almost immediate improvement. Ryan and Judy with the help of pills with extract from hemp in combination with the hemp tincture, they finally achieved that the negative conditions subsided and light returned to the boy's life. This story is yet another unshakable confirmation that cannabis treatment for OCD really works!


While research on the relationship between OCD and CBD is still in its early stages, the findings so far suggest that CBD may have a positive effect on suppressing OCD symptoms and their occurrence. Some study have been done on humans, others on animals, and in both cases improvement has been observed. However, we will have to wait for the full clinical confirmation of CBD as a treatment for OCD. Even so, it is a very promising alternative procedure, it is to get rid of a negative mental state.

Do you need help?

If anything is not clear to you and/or you want advice on the selection, please write to us below in the comments below the post, via contact form or send us a question by e-mail info@miralecbd.cz. Thank you





NOTICE: Cannabis and kratom products are exclusively for collector, industrial and technical purposes. Alternatively for further sale and processing. In no case are they intended for consumption, inhalation or smoking! The described effects are purely informative. Company Miracle CBD does not approve or otherwise support the abuse and sale of psychotropic and narcotic substances!

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