CBD and alcohol: Can cannabidiol help with hangovers?

Have you ever wondered what happens when you add a drop of CBD oil to your favorite drink? Are you wondering what effect this connection has on the human organism? It may come as a surprise to you that CBD has positive effects on breakdown dependencies on alcohol, but also to ease the hangover after Friday's great party!

Bars and cafes where you can buy alcohol in connection with CBD exist in many countries of the world, including us. Alcoholic beverage manufacturers have jumped on the bandwagon and started producing shots, hemp beer and other alcoholic drinks with CBD content. This topic is the subject of many discussions and studies: some research shows that cannabidiol (CBD) can reduce nausea from alcohol consumption. It is common knowledge that when a person drinks his favorite drink, he feels sleepy or tired. Especially if you overdo it and get dizzy and nauseous.

What positives it can bring a combination of CBD and alcohol?


CBD and alcohol

As is commonly known; one should be careful when mixing alcohol with virtually anything. CBD is no exception! The combination of these two substances can affect cognitive and motor abilities, so driving or performing other activities where it is important to be lucid should be avoided.

The motto of everything in moderation applies in this case as well. So we shouldn't overdo it unnecessarily with alcohol or cannabidiol. Unlike alcohol, CBD has practically no side effects, however, when combined with each other, there may be an interaction, which in this particular case means an increase in their effects.

A very bad idea is the combination of psychoactive cannabis (THC, HHC flowers) with alcoholic beverages, you should completely avoid this! Combining kratom with alcohol is also not recommended under any circumstances, it can be very dangerous indeed!


So we have already talked about the possible risks, so let's look at the opposite side of the matter and that is the possible benefits of using CBD and alcohol.

Benefits of using CBD and alcohol

This combination can bring the following benefits:

  • As is known, excessive alcohol consumption is associated with the risk of irreversible liver damage. However, some studies suggest that cannabidiol may have protective effects on the liver.
  • Taking CBD drops alleviates anxiety and stress. The combination of cannabidiol and alcohol could therefore have anxiolytic effects.
  • If you are one of those people who feel nauseous the next day or the night after a party, don't worry CBD oil always at hand. It helps to remove the unpleasant negative effects associated with alcohol consumption.
  • Cannabidiol can also have neuroprotective effects, and thus also affect the strong desire to consume alcohol. So it can be helpful for people struggling with addiction to this drug.


A direct combination of cannabis and alcohol

  • The combination of CBD and alcohol can increase the effects of these substances, which can lead to changes in mood and behavior.
  • It was also found that the combination of these substances caused a significant deterioration of motor skills and perception of time.
  • Before combining CBD and alcohol, it is important to note that both ingredients can affect the central nervous system.
  • Alcohol is known to lower inhibitions. CBD can help you relax in a similar way.
  • In some cases, after mixing cannabidiol with alcohol, you may experience enhancing effects, especially relaxation.


Cannabidiol for addiction

Research in this area is still in its early stages, but some studies suggest that CBD can affect the motivation to consume alcohol and thus reduce the risk of relapse. Cannabidiol has a negative effect on the desire to drink alcohol, which can reduce its excessive consumption in an addicted individual. In addition, it relieves stress and anxiety, which often belong to very unpleasant moral hangovers.

These two factors can be a valid argument for those who seek to drink alcohol to cope with stressful situations. If this problem concerns you, think for yourself whether it would be appropriate to solve this habit in a different, less invasive way. CBD is also helpful for managing withdrawal symptoms.

A few words in conclusion

The effects of CBD can be very individual and vary between individuals. Therefore, it is difficult to determine whether the combination of cannabidiol and alcohol would affect all people in a similar way. However, it should be noted that there is no evidence to show that CBD and alcohol interact "badly". For that reason, it is possible to assume that the use of cannabidiol at the same time as alcohol should not lead to any major negative effects. Of course, provided that it will be a question of adequate doses of both substances.

Do you need help?

If anything is not clear to you and/or you want advice on the selection, please write to us below in the comments below the post, via contact form or send us a question by e-mail info@miralecbd.cz. Thank you.


Our tip: look at map of branded cannabis stores Miracle CBD, where you have the unique opportunity to consult your needs with professionally trained staff from our team. We have all products in stock, so you don't have to wait for delivery by courier and you can take the products home the same day. We have been bringing you the unrivaled best CBD, HHC and kratom since 2020!

Klatovy store – Viennese 31 | Shop Ml. Boleslav – Železná 162 | Shop J. Hradec – Masarykovo nám. 1


Sources: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/cbd-and-alcohol#interaction



NOTICE: Cannabis and kratom products are exclusively for collector, industrial and technical purposes. Alternatively for further sale and processing. In no case are they intended for consumption, inhalation or smoking! The described effects are purely informative. Company Miracle CBD does not approve or otherwise support the abuse and sale of psychotropic and narcotic substances!

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