CBD Addiction: What's the Risk Level?!

If we look at the most current scientific research on the long-term use of THC cannabis, we find that some people can develop an addiction to it. However, it is completely different with CBD hemp and products made from it. Answer to the question: Can I be addicted to CBD? So it sounds like that NO, you can't. You will learn why this is the case in this article.

Cannabidiol was not CBD, is one of more than 100 chemical compounds that occur naturally in the cannabis plant. Unlike THC, this cannabinoid, as we call the substances contained in cannabis, is not classified as a psychoactive substance. Its health benefits are nevertheless diverse. Ongoing research is thus trying to find all possible therapeutic effects that legal cannabis has.

But how is it possible that CBD products are not addictive, while THC flowers are? Let's discuss this issue in more depth!

As we mentioned in the very introduction; all the results of studies to date agree that it is not addictive. After all, this is also confirmed by the WHO (World Health Organization). Most likely, it is precisely because of the fact that CBD hemp does not cause psychoactive intoxication.

Take, for example, a 2016 study that examined the effects of CBD versus THC in 31 adult volunteers. As expected, cannabis with a high THC content caused significant physical and psychological effects. This means that it increased the heart rate of the people tested and put them in a "high" state, while CBD did not affect heart rate, blood pressure or cognitive function at the given dose. One of the main reasons why cannabidiol is not addictive is the absence of a bodily sensation of intoxication.


Furthermore, it should be emphasized that there is evidence that cannabidiol, on the other hand, can help in the treatment of other types of addiction. Preliminary study results suggest that CBD hemp may reduce the likelihood of developing cocaine and methamphetamine use disorders. In addition, it should also be able to prevent the re-use of addictive substances during the withdrawal period. According to some research, it even helps in the treatment of addiction to tobacco products, i.e. nicotine and THC cannabis.

What benefits can CBD products offer us?

Effects of CBD

To date, several dozen positive effects of cannabidiol on the human body are known, while others are still growing. So let's take a quick look at what CBD can help us with.

CBD for epileptic seizures

In a 2018 clinical study, CBD was used in 72 children and 60 adults suffering from epilepsy for whom traditional treatment did not work. The results of the research are astounding! The study concluded that two-thirds of the participants experienced at least a 25% reduction in the frequency of epileptic seizures. In the US, one CBD product has even become a prescription drug for rare forms of epilepsy such as Dravet and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. According to the clinical results, when these patients took cannabidiol together with other drugs, they had a lower frequency of seizures than those who received only a placebo or only and only classic anti-seizure drugs.


CBD oil for anxiety

Cannabidiol may further reduce anxiety. When we look again at the study results, we find that a group of scientists in 2019 investigated the effects of CBD specifically on anxiety and related sleep problems. Of the 72 adult subjects, a whopping 79.2% reported a significant reduction in the first month of using CBD oil unpleasant feeling anxiety. Two-thirds of the participants also reported that their sleep quality improved at the same time.

If this data wasn't enough proof for you, we can add another study from 2017, where researchers administered different doses of CBD to 60 people with no history of anxiety, mental illness, or drug addiction. The dosage was different: 100 mg, 300 mg or even 900 mg. The rest of the people were given 1 mg of Clonazepam (benzodiazepine = prescription medicine, in our country under the name Rivotril). 

A significant reduction in social anxiety was observed in test participants with the 300 mg dose. At 100 mg and 900 mg, anxiety levels remained relatively high. CBD drops could therefore have similar effects to Rivotril, provided the dosage is correct. However, it must be added that benzodiazepines reduce blood pressure or heart rate, while this phenomenon does not occur with an adequate dose of CBD oil.

Relief from chronic pain

We hope you're not tired of all those study results yet, because we're going to show you more proof of how CBD hemp helps with chronic pain. And that is precisely through a study that took place in New Zealand. She focused on the use of cannabis in people suffering from chronic pain and mental disorders. A total of 400 people took part in the experiment. After applying CBD, many participants reported an improvement in their quality of life. No significant side effects were reported.

It is therefore currently being considered that CBD hemp could be an alternative natural remedy for pain. Unfortunately, we do not yet have much information about how effectively it can replace an opioid-based drug.

Other potential effects of cannabis

The following information is based on the experience of specific users and unofficial studies. Therefore, these are not official sources, but private CBD reviews that our customers have shared with us, or insights from trusted foreign sources.

  • inhibition of oncological diseases
  • neurological disorders
  • serious psychiatric illness

The ability of CBD hemp to act on these unspecified health problems is supported mainly by the personal experiences of the cannabis users themselves, not by hard data from research institutes. The actual use of CBD hemp for these health and mental conditions is therefore still hotly debated.

Side effects of CBD

Nothing is black and white and everything has its pros and cons. Therefore, let's also mention the possible negative effects of CBD products. However, to date there is no evidence that cannabidiol in recommended amounts causes any negative side effects. Effects such as increased sleepiness, intestinal problems or a change in appetite can only occur when this substance is overused. Still, these potential side effects in no way come close to the potential risks posed by the prescription drugs that cannabis has reliably replaced for many patients in recent years.

CBD addiction in conclusion

Excessive use of cannabis can certainly increase the risk of addiction. But in the case of CBD hemp, there is no evidence to confirm that it is an addictive substance. On the contrary. According to the latest research, CBD can even help us with the treatment of addiction. All in all; in our opinion, the proven and theoretical benefits of CBD hemp are attractive enough to convince anyone who wants to hemp products to test for this or that health problem.

Do you need help?

If anything is not clear to you and/or you want advice on the selection, please write to us below in the comments below the post, via contact form or send us a question by e-mail info@miralecbd.cz. Thank you


Our tip: look at map of branded cannabis stores Miracle CBD, where you have the unique opportunity to consult your needs with professionally trained staff from our team. We have all products in stock, so you don't have to wait for delivery by courier and you can take the products home the same day. We have been bringing you the unrivaled best CBD, HHC and kratom since 2020!

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Source: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/is-cbd-addictive

NOTICE: Cannabis and kratom products are exclusively for collector, industrial and technical purposes. Alternatively for further sale and processing. In no case are they intended for consumption, inhalation or smoking! The described effects are purely informative. Company Miracle CBD does not approve or otherwise support the abuse and sale of psychotropic and narcotic substances!

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