HHC-PO flowers
Unfortunately, you can no longer find such popular HHC flowers here. But that doesn't mean you'll come up short! We bring you a new exclusive collection of fluffy indoor hemp from Swiss masters, which is perfection itself in all respects. And what more; is 100% legal! HHCPO flowers, in addition to their perfect appearance, aroma and a significant amount of hemp resin, are also proud to be infused with a new hemp derivative called HHCPO. The effects of this substance are strongly psychoactive and most similar to the above-mentioned HHC and thus to the long-prohibited THC! For us, quality is above all else, which is why you will only find refined genetics with us, which are the absolute top on the European market. Many traders present HHC-P as the best alternative, but this derivative is purely damping. Unlike it, HHCPO is energizing and its action is most similar to the Cannabis sativa type.